It was all so comfortable and I never felt judged My reading was incredibly on point and I am so excited to work with Maggie in the future.
Kelly Kristensen
The information Maggie shared was very insightful and incredibly relevant and accurate about so many things.
Bethan Peach
She revealed details about my emotional states, my relationships, career and personality she could not possibly have known.
Willie Handler
She was terrifyingly accurate. Maggie’s special power is her guidance.
Paul L. Arvidson
Birth Chart & Coaching
"Everything that shows up in your Mandala (life) is a vehicle for your Awakening.
From this point of view, Awakening is right at your fingertips continually."
Pema Chödrön

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My Book
How To Make Sure Your Life Doesn't Suck is not your typical self-help book. It was not written to stuff your head with more “to-do” lists, strategies, secrets that turn out not to be secrets, “woo-woo” lingo you cannot understand or relate to, techniques we all eventually give up on, or calls to just “think positive” 24/7.
Foreword by Michael Neill - Bestselling Hay House Author